This website contains general information and documents regarding Lexia Avvocati (“Lexia”), which are published for informational purposes only. All information, material, illustrations and documents contained in this website are protected by copyright laws and shall not be used without the express consent of Lexia. All material published on this website is the exclusive property of Lexia. Lexia does not intend to, and shall not, provide any legal advice and/or legal opinion through this website. Accordingly, Lexia shall not be liable for any costs, expenses, losses or damages that might derive from the use of this website and/or from the reliance upon the information contained herein.
Privacy Policy
Privacy notice
This personal data protection notice explains how LEXIA Avvocati, as data controller, processes the personal data concerning you and your colleagues that are provided by you or third parties and/or collected by us in carry on our business.
Our head office is at Via del Lauro 9 20121, Milan.
1. Data processed.
We may process the following data concerning you and colleagues from your company (employees, collaborators, and senior management), with whom you are required to provide this privacy notice:
a) personal data (name, surname, birthdate, address, etc.);
b) contact information of people who have dealings with LEXIA Avvocati (phone number, email address, etc.);
c) personal data that may reveal the existence of criminal convictions and criminal proceedings in progress (judicial data);
d) special categories of personal data including racial, ethnic origin, religious, philo-sophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership to parties, trade unions, associ-ations or religious organisations, and personal data capable of revealing an individual’s state of health and sexual orientatio; and
e) any other data connected with working with you.
2. Purpose, legal bases and natura of providing persona data.
We process personal data for the following purposes:
- a) The data referred to in section 1, points a), b), c), d) and e) will be processed to manage our relationship with you and your company, including to fulfil the related legal, administrative and accounting obligations.
The legal basis for processing all the data categories is to fulfill our legal obligations, e.g., under anti-money laundering and anti-ter-rorism legislation and to perform our engagement with you.
If you do not provide the above mentioned data, we will be pre-vented from being able to carry out the above activities and fulfil our obligations.
The legal basis for the data processing is our legitimate interest in managing and developing our relationship with you.
Providing data for this purpose is optional: not providing the data will in no way affect our ability to carry out assignments for you.
3. Methods of processing.
Rest assured that your data will be processed in compliance with the prin-ciples of correctness, lawfulness and transparency. We have appropriate security, technical and organisational measures in place that ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of unauthorised access to, and accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration and unauthorised disclosure of, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.
Personal data is processed manually or electronically using automated tools that ensure the security and confidentiality of the data.
4. Place of storage and data retention period.
Personal data will be stored at our head office and retained by us:
- a) for the purposes referred to in section 2, point a): for the entire term of our relationship with you and for a maximum of 10 years thereafter; and
- b) for the purposes referred to in section 2, point b): for the entire term of our relationship with you and for five years thereafter.
At the end of these periods, the data will be deleted or rendered anony-mous.
5. Data dissemination, sharing and communication.
Personal data be known and used by our staff (accounts team, HR team, secretaries, marketing team, ICT team and maintenance team) according to the tasks assigned to them) and our professionals.
When necessary to carry out an assignment for you, personal data may be accessible also to LEXIA Avvocati’s offices outside the EU. All LEXIA Avvocati’s offices apply the EU rules on processing personal data, and the related agreements with third parties include the standard clauses approved by the EU Commission.
We also use several service providers, which are appointed as external pro-cessors. The list of providers is kept up-to-date and available, together with a copy of the related privacy agreements with them, at our head office. For more information, please email: privacy@lexia.it.
Personal data will be disseminated only to the extent necessary for us to fulfil the obligations provided by law or regulations and to manage our relationship with you.
6. Your rights.
You have the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or non-exist-ence of personal data concerning you.
You also have the right to be informed of:
a) the origin of the personal data;
b) the purpose and methods of data processing;
c) the logic applied to the data processed electronically;
d) the identity of the data controller and the data processors; and
e) the identity of the individuals or categories of individuals to whom your personal data may be sent to or who may acquire your data as appointed representatives of our firm in other countries or as in-dividuals authorised to process your data.
You also have the right to:
f) have your data updated, corrected and supplemented;
g) have the processing of your personal data restricted and any un-lawfully processed data erased, made anonymous or blocked;
h) require a declaration attesting that the people/companies we com-municate or disseminate your data to have been notified and given full details of any of the operations under points f) and g) above having been carried out, unless this proves impossible or implies an effort that is clearly disproportionate to the right to be pro-tected;
i) require a declaration attesting that the people/companies we com-municate or disseminate your data to have been notified and given full details of any of the operations under points f) and h) above having been carried out, unless this proves impossible or implies an effort that is clearly disproportionate to the right to be pro-tected; and
j) obtain, in a structured format commonly used and readable by electronic devices, the personal data provided to LEXIA Avvocati, and to have the data transmitted, directly or through LEXIA Avvocati, to another data controller (known as data portability).
You also have the right to object in whole or in part to:
k) the processing, on legitimate grounds, of your personal data, in-cluding data relevant for the purpose they were collected; and
l) the processing of your personal data for the purpose of sending advertising material and direct sales messages, and to carry out pro-filing and surveys, including on client satisfaction.
If you believe your rights have been violated by LEXIA Avvocati or a third party, you have the right to file a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority and/or other competent supervisory authorities.
To exercise your rights, please email: privacy@lexia.it.
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