Energy bonus, it is possible to produce and consume the energy produced with photovoltaic panels on condominiums

The implementing decree of the rule contained in the last decree so called “Milleproroghe”, signed by the Minister of Economic Development, outlines new scenarios for the production and consumption of energy from renewable sources. The measure allows condominiums and SMEs to join, produce energy and consume it directly, without having to feed it into the grid. All this by exploiting an ad hoc incentive.

The purpose is to favor the energetic and ecological transaction, progressively replacing the supply from polluting sources and reducing, at the same time, the costs in bill.

The ministerial decree ensures that the electricity produced by photovoltaic modules installed in condominiums can be used in individual apartments. Thus, the prohibitions imposed by the previous legislation, which limited consumption to the stairwell, are overcome.

This is an important turning point that will allow the further development of energy production from renewable sources in our country” says Patuanelli. The idea, remarked the Minister, is to no longer have “one gigawatt power plant but a thousand 3 kilowatt power plants”. The long-term plan provides for the transformation of the current centralized electricity system, powered by fossil fuels, into a decentralized and efficient apparatus, powered by clean and renewable sources.

The measure allows for collective self-consumption, which can be activated by families and other individuals in the same building or condominium, and energy communities, in which individuals, SMEs, local authorities, located in a larger perimeter than condominiums, can participate.

The incentive rate is 100 €/MWh for collective self-consumption configurations and 110 €/MWh for renewable energy communities. The incentive is valid for a period of 20 years from the signing of the contract and is managed by the GSE. Therefore, it can be cumulated with the Superbonus at 110% within the limits provided by law.

The thrust to the “green” finds disagreements on the subject of excise duties. The discontent arises first of all from the Oil Union, like the road hauliers, who are not happy with the idea of progressively adapting the excise duties on diesel to those on gasoline. The government’s hypothesis is to gradually reduce the SAD (Environmental Damaging Subsidies), starting with taxation on diesel, which should make up the difference with green over 10 years, for a total amount of about 2.7 billion. The amount should, then, be allocated to incentives to implement the renewal of the fleet circulating towards electricity. In this regard, the president of the Up Claudio Spinaci asks for an operation truth: “The government has already decided, and I would like to say things as they are – he says – the diesel driver will pay more diesel fuel”.


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