Associations to the European Union: relaunching the economy with the Green Deal

“#EUGreenRecovery to restart Europe” is the title given by as many as thirty-two associations representing the world of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency, which, acting together, have sent a letter to all the relevant institutions at EU level in the individual Member States.

The purpose of the letter is the green deal: it explicitly calls for the use of economic support packages to accelerate investment in clean technologies in all sectors.

According to the associations involved, investing in environmentally friendly solutions and infrastructure is the most effective way to ensure a rapid economic recovery and a more sustainable energy system.

<< We call on the EU Commission to:

  • Fully integrate the proposed economic stimulus packages and the European Green Deal (as proposed by the European Council last week). Investments in a zero-carbon infrastructure and innovative solutions are the best and most cost-effective route to economic recovery on a national and supranational level while at the same time preparing the grounds for a secure and sustainable energy system.
  • Bring forward the necessary investments for rapid recovery.
  • Use the stimulus packages to accelerate investments in energy efficiency, renewable heating and cooling, electricity, mobility, zero-carbon buildings, and industrial processes.
  • Ensure ongoing supply of clean energy and ongoing investments in energy transition can continue in the current pandemic as essential services..

We trust you will make the right decisions. Our joint industries and associations are committed to making green economic recovery a collective success.>>


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